Food to Eat and Avoid to Prevent Hemorrhoids

Piles are experienced by large percentage of young and old population from all over the world. Also known as hemorrhoids, these inflamed sacs in the anal region can be annoying and cause discomfort during sitting, standing or defecating. These are swollen and inflamed blood vessels located inside and outside the anus. They are sometimes itchy and at times they bleed. They are not harmful unless they become infected. Treatment for piles should also be coupled with a good diet because it lessens the symptoms and will help you recover easily.

Hemorrhoid Treatment

There are some foods which you should not eat when you are suffering from piles because these may aggravate existing symptoms.  Hemorrhoid diet does not include strong spicy foods. According to one study, these foods could worsen hemorrhoid symptoms. Caffeinated drinks like alcohol and coffee can cause dry stools that may worsen the existence of hemorrhoids. Avoid sugary drinks and soda as well because these could cause weight gain. You should substitute these drinks with tea, hot cocoa or boiled water with mint leaves for a while. Being hydrated is very much important if you have piles. Drink water or other fluids throughout the day/ You should drink at least 8 glasses of fluid of 64 ounces, everyday which may came from water, milk, fresh fruit juices, herbal teas or soups.

Another thing is that, fatty foods are not included in a hemorrhoid diet because these foods are longer to digest. So if you love French fries, forget it for a while to decrease your overall fat content. You should also lessen your consumption of butter. Try shifting to nonfat dairy products. You should also avoid low fiber carbohydrates. These are rice, white bread and white pasta. Instead, replace them with oatmeal, whole wheat bread, high-fiber cereal and brown rice.

Hemorrhoid Treatment

When you have hemorrhoids, your diet must be rich in fiber. Yogurt is also good because it contains probiotics that makes our digestive and immune systems healthy. You should also eat a lot of fruits and vegetables because these foods solve the discomfort of constipation.  Soluble fiber could make one’s stool bulkier and softer. Soluble fiber includes flaxseed, beans, carrots and psyllium. Fruits high in fiber are apples, pears, avocados, berries, artichoke, winter squash and beans. Whole grains can also help because it gives more fiber, protein and micronutrients. Try amaranth, pearled barley, oatmeal, whole grain breads, long grain brown rice, wild rice and popcorn.

Eat foods which have bioflavonoids. These are a group of compounds that take place naturally in plants. They provide fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors and aroma and shield them from microbes and insects. However, there are many studies which prove that these are not just a protector of plants, but also of humans. They strengthen the walls of human blood vessels and help in avoiding free radical stress inside the blood vessels. High intake of foods containing these compounds reduces itching and bleeding of hemorrhoids. Good sources of bioflavonoids are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, sweet pepper, strawberries, garlic, spinach, teas, red bell pepper, tropical fruits and citrus fruits.

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